Wedding Invitations Wording Samples

In every couple’s planning process, comes the point of writing an invitation. But what should you put in?
Will you go formal traditional style, or make it a little bit more fun? At the end, it comes down to what kind of wedding are you having. If you have a lot of older / traditional guests, the you might wanna go the traditional path. If you have a mixed crowd with a less formal event, you can feel comfortable sending a fun, informal invite. Think of the invitation as the face of your event, so maybe try connect the entire concept (if you’re having one) in the invitation as well.

I once received an invitation to a pirate-themed wedding, on a parchment, inside of a glass bottle, that was hilarious! So think about what kind of message you want to send out.

You can have the most beautiful invitation ever, but when it comes down to it, it still needs to be informative with all the essential wedding info. Whatever type of invitation you choose, we’re here to help you out with some traditional and non-traditional wedding invitations wording formats.

We even added in some interesting situations where you have a step-mom or dad that you want to appear on the invitation as well.

Oh and of course, don’t forget to grab a free digital invitation here.

Together with their families
Jane Taylor
John Eliot
request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner and dancing to follow


With great pleasure

Jane Taylor
& John Eliot

invite you to join them
at the celebration of their marriage

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner and dancing to follow


The honor of your presence
is requested at the marriage of

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Reception immediately to follow
The Wedding House
503 Street Name


With great joy
you are invited to
celebrate the marriage of

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner, Dancing & Merriment to follow


Because you have shared in our lives
and supported our love, we

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

request the pleasure of your company
at our marriage

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Reception to immediately follow

Mother Name
Dad & Step-Mother Name

request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

son of
Other Mother Name and Step-Father Name
Other Father Name

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner and dancing to follow


Mother Name and Father Name
Other Mother Name and Step-Father Name
Step-Mother Name and Other Father Name

request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their children

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Reception to follow


Mother Name and Father Name
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Reception to follow


Mother Name
invites you to share in the celebration
of the marriage of her daughter

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner and dancing to follow

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Are Gettin’ Hitched!
Please join us
For a celebration of love, friendship,
laughter, and family

Saturday, June 7, 2024
at 4:30 in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Fabulous food, fun, and festivities to follow


Jane Taylor
John Eliot

Invite you to join the fun
as they stand together
before family and friends
extending their friendship
to include the vows of marriage.

Saturday, June 7, 2024
at 4:30 in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner, dancing, and merriment to follow


Jane Taylor
John Eliot

are tying the knot!

Saturday, June 7, 2024
at four-thirty in the afternoon

The Wedding House
503 Street Name
City, State

Dinner, Dancing & Merriment to follow
Please bring an instrument if you have one


Because you have believed in them,
Celebrated with them,
Loved and encouraged them,

We, Layla Taylor, Ron Taylor, Beck Taylor, Jake Eliot, and Arnold Eliot,
Invite you to join us in honoring our siblings

Jane Taylor
John Eliot

As they celebrate the beginning of their adventure together

Saturday, the seventh of June
two thousand fourteen
at half past four in the afternoon

Dinner and dancing immediately following ceremony
Bring your dancing shoes

Whatever wedding invitation wording you choose, make ѕurе tо nеvеr lіѕt gіft rеgіѕtrу іnfоrmаtіоn on уоur wedding іnvіtаtіоnѕ. Thіѕ bit of info should оnlу еvеr bе lіѕtеd on уоur wеddіng wеbѕіtе. It іѕ nоt rеѕресtаblе tо put thеѕе ѕоrt оf details оn your іnvіtеѕ undеr any сіrсumѕtаnсе.

Stаrt preparing уоur wеddіng іnvіtаtіоnѕ еаrlу. You dо nоt want tо wait until the lаѕt mіnutе and risk people receiving their notification оf уоur nuptials too lаtе. Ideally, уоur invitations should bе ordered fіvе month bеfоrе уоur wеddіng аnd ѕеnt to guests аbоut ѕіx tо eight wееkѕ bеfоrе the event.

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