More Details

Queer... Jewish... Frum... Convert... New to town...

Any of those things could make life--and especially a wedding--complicated. And, yet, there are so very many people who want to come and celebrate this day with us. We wanted to open the gates and "let all who are hungry come and eat."

Never been to a Jewish wedding before? Now's your time.

Never been to a queer wedding before? Get on it.

You just love us? Bring it.

So come and celebrate and dance with the brides...and, if grandma wants to come along to celebrate our big Jewish gay wedding, bring her with, too!

You can check out all the details about the day at

And, if you've got questions, email us at

We have lots more to tell you, including the times for all the events, hotel accommodation options, and all about what to expect at this Queer, Jewish wedding. Check out our wedding website (YES! We did that!): click here.

To chat with other guests, pump up the jam, and start the pep rally, see our Facebook group page (or we might have added you already...)!