Home Wedding Tips Common Wedding Planning Problems That Every Bride Deals With

Common Wedding Planning Problems That Every Bride Deals With


If there’s one thing we’re guaranteed in life, it’s problems. Even wedding planning can be filled with them. But don’t worry, that’s totally normal! If you’re in the midst of planning your wedding day, read up on these common wedding planning problems that every bride goes through.

It’s Okay To Have Wedding Planning Problems…In Fact, It’s Normal

Your wedding day is one of the most expensive (and beautiful!) days of your life, so it’s no surprise that brides want to plan ahead to avoid any wedding regrets. Here common wedding problems that might pop up before the Big Day.

Common Wedding Planning Problems: It’s Okay To Be Nervous

If you are expecting your parents to foot the bill for your wedding or you are extremely close with your family, expect to disagree on some things. They may expect to invite certain guests to your wedding or have endless suggestions on the right colors or the right dress.

Be prepared to decline their suggestions politely to avoid causing a major rift. You can also avoid fighting with your family by giving them specific ways in which they can play an active part in your wedding. It’s okay to say no sometimes, but you should also be prepared to compromise as well.

It’s Not Okay To Snap At Your Family & Fiance

The cost of your wedding will probably be one of the major issues that you and your partner will disagree on. You may also end up in a fight over whose family should have more input in the wedding. The key to a happy marriage is to nip these problems in the bud before they start!

However, don’t let wedding planning derail your happiness during the days leading up to the wedding. Identify potential problems that are likely to cause major issues between the two of you. Talk it out and decide on how you will resolve disagreements beforehand. It’ll make your marriage that much easier.

Let The Tears Out…It’s Okay To Cry!

Whether you are worried about things not coming together as wish or you and your mother-in-law just got into a fight about wedding flowers, know that it’s okay to cry. Whenever you feel down, just keep in mind that your friends and family want to help.

It’s okay to take a day off from wedding planning to give yourself a break. Plan to have some downtime so that every day isn’t filled with wedding craziness.

Common Wedding Planning Problems: Thoughts Of Running Away

Sometimes wedding planning is just too exhausting and your thoughts about canceling the whole event seem better than actually going through with it. After putting in so much work to make your special day perfect, just remember that you’re almost there. It’s always darkest before dawn!

If the thoughts of running away from your large event don’t go away, maybe it’s time to consider a destination wedding with fewer guests. You can check out some cheap locations for destination weddings right here. And if you’re considering a beach destination wedding, check out this guide for your guests.

Don’t Let The Opinions Of Others Steal Your Wedding Planning Joy

While you may consider yourself above the pain of others’ scrutiny, you may start to realize that you actually do care about what other people think about your wedding. Try to stay away from social media. And definitely don’t compare your wedding to a celebrity one! (They never last, anyway.)

Common Wedding Planning Problems: Wedding Budget Anxiety

As you plan your wedding, you’ve likely have a budget in mind. For the majority of people, this budget isn’t exactly in line with the real costs of planning a wedding. Expect to spend more on something than you budgeted for. Don’t, however, exceed the wedding budget. Plan your wedding day without going into debt. It’ll save you from a lot of stress later.

Accept The Last-Minute Help You Need

To have a successful wedding day, you really need to have the help and support of other people. As a result, you may find yourself relying on others more than you thought you would. Don’t be afraid to let someone you trust take on some of the important wedding planning tasks.

Avoid Last-Minute DIY Projects

When you decide to do a DIY project for wedding favors, you’ll learn the harsh truth about how hard putting together 500 copies of the same item really is. Make sure that you allow more time than you think you’ll need for DIY projects. Nevertheless, you’ll be shocked at the amount of glitter and pieces of cut ribbon on the floors of your home when you’re done!

Every Bride Deals With Wedding Planning Problems, But The End Result Is Beautiful

Although you may have a vision in your head of how everything will look on your wedding day, it probably won’t look exactly like you planned. And that’s okay!

Just remember that the goal of your wedding is to start the rest of your life with your spouse and stop worrying about the small stuff that really doesn’t matter.

Planning a wedding is stressful. As a result, there are many things that people who have already had weddings want to forget and won’t tell you about as you plan your own wedding. Now that you know about the dark side of wedding planning, you can better prepare for any issues that may arise. Now, go forth and start planning your special day!