The Wedding Party


Lisa A. Choi

Lisa loves her "L"s. Life. Laughter. Love.
How uncomplicated is that?
John makes her laugh. She loves John oh-so-very much, and looks forward to doing life together with him.

…and she might be a bit of an Instagram junkie.
The first thing she did in terms of wedding planning was to think of the hashtag.

Even though Choi, Lisa sounds quite a bit better... she cannot wait to become Oh, Lisa


John Oh

It was quite the journey, driving out to Bergen twice a week to see Lisa, but John considers it time well-spent.
Although he sacrificed time spent on working on his gains,
John is excited to have essentially recruited a life partner, i.e. workout buddy.

The feelings are real, and she’s the one.
He’s looking forward to being able to take her home after every date-night!


Coffee. Meets. Bagel.
Yes, it's true.


KISS (Keep it Short and Simple)

Just how John and Lisa like to do things.

Check Lisa’s Facebook for photos & a blurb.

And yes, Lisa cried.


Sarah H. Choi - Maid of Honor

Sarah is Lisa's only younger sister -
IT Consultant by day, and devoted mother to her teddy bear WooBoo... always.
Sarah will forever be Lisa's best shopping buddy and confidant.

Sarah wishes the soon-to-be newlyweds the best of luck and hopes that John will keep Lisa in good shape for the rest of her life.

Minjoo Shelly Cha - Bridesmaid

Lisa first met Minjoo as freshmen at the University of Pennsylvania.
Their friendship blossomed as they somehow happened to be living in the same cities/continents post-bachelors degrees.
Basically, as her bestie, she's seen Lisa at her best, her worst, her messy, her clean, her busy and calm. She's seen it all.

Minjoo just wants John to know, he's got his work cut out for him...
but hey, he is one lucky guy!


Richard J. Park – Best Man

RJP, as he’s sometimes referred to, is always down for good times.
You’ll rarely see John not laughing around him (sometimes at him).
Even though Rich can be known for his funny antics, he is one of the most driven and humble people John knows.

John looks forward to becoming a frequent patron at Richard’s future restaurant.

Andy Chou - Groomsman

John doesn’t know anyone that is more giving of his time and resources than his groomsman, Andy.
Mr. Chou is always cooking for someone at his house and continues to be an awesome cell-group leader!
He has no problems keeping it real and telling it like it is.
Sure, Andy can be endearingly awkward at times, but John can’t imagine saying “yes” without Andy by his side.