We would love if you could greet us here.
May the Grace of the living God who is eternally faithful be upon you guys and your family.... I pray and hope this journey will last you till the end of time and beyond... GOD bless and yours
Thulane MashiyaHello
Michel-le'Heita Governor, I'm so happy for you guys may your union be blessed from heaven.
Mandla BhenguMarriage is an institution that was formed or started by God, so for it to flow you need to make Him the CENTRE of it!! Without God you won't be able to minister to each other, you won't function properly!
Puleng and BonganiWishing all the best.
Rhandzu Gezaniwow you guys this is really beatiful hey,God Bless your union.
ChramaineAll the Best for the wedding guys! !!#God bless! !
Thulani ZikalalaGenesis 2:21-25...Marriage is God Jehovah's arrangement.. Congratulations!! & may He blesses u2!!
AmandaxAriyeriyeriyeeee!!!!!! Ni mi navelela siku lerinene hi siku ra nwina ra ntsako. Xikwembu xi mi katekisa kufikela makumu. Love you guys♡♡♡
Memory NyoniHave lovely Wedding Day! Wish all the best in future endeavour!!!! kilililili
Portia Mokobane