Home Wedding Tips 10 Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You About Their Wedding Day

10 Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You About Their Wedding Day


If you’re about to take the walk down the aisle, there are some things newlyweds won’t tell you about their wedding day. Even if you have been in dozens of weddings as a bridesmaid or groomsman, there are just some things that you won’t pay attention until it is your own wedding day. Here are 10 things that you probably won’t find out until it’s your turn to tie the knot.

Your Cold Feet Won’t Kick In Until The Ceremony Is About To Start

The last few minutes before the wedding starts are likely to be the most anxiety-ridden part of the event. Even worse, your cold feet likely won’t kick in until all of the guests start arriving. You may feel anxious. However, this is completely understandable because you are about to make a major life-decision in front of everyone you know and care about. Just remember that your new bride or groom is waiting for you and there will be a wonderful celebration and a beautiful marriage to look forward to.

The Ceremony Is The Most Amazing Part

One unexpected thing that newlyweds won’t tell you is that the ceremony was their faborite part.You’ve probably dreamed about your wedding your entire life and the ceremony will live up to your expectations. You will watch as your family and friends marvel at your joy and excitement about getting married. Your wedding ceremony will feel special and will likely be your most cherished memory from the day. After all, you will probably want to forget about any inappropriate wedding speeches that are made during the reception!

Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You…You’ll Feel Differently About Your Partner After The Wedding

Once the ceremony is over, you can expect to feel differently about your partner after the wedding - in a good way! There is something about making your relationship official that will make you feel more respect and gratitude for having your partner in your life. Having a wedding means that you have finally found the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with and that should make you very happy.

You’ll Be Happier Than You Ever Imagined

All of the frustration, anxiety, and stress that went into planning your wedding will magically fade away once the wedding day arrives. In addition, you are getting ready to spend the day with your most favorite person in the world. You should expect to be happier than you ever imagined you would be!

People Will Cry

Make sure that you have plenty of tissues on hand because you can expect that there will be more than one person crying at the wedding. Whether it’s you, your parents or a random guest, expect to see some tears shed at your wedding. Everyone loves a bit of romance and your wedding is likely to bring out the sappy side of your guests!

You’ll Feel So Loved And Supported By Family & Friends

Sometimes, we forget just how much our family loves and supports us. On your wedding day, you can expect to finally understand just how much they care for you. Don’t forget that you are not doing this alone and that your family will always be there for you!

You’ll Be Exhausted

When it comes to the end of your wedding day, to say you’ll be exhausted would be an understatement. From making last-minute adjustments before the ceremony and reception start to greeting dozens of guests, you can expect to spend the entire time making sure that everything goes smoothly. As a result, you’ll want to enjoy a well-deserved rest once everything is finished. Many couples simply fall asleep once the wedding is over so make sure you have your post-wedding accommodations set up to allow for some alone time and TLC.

Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You: Something Won’t Go As Planned

Whether someone forgot to do something important, a technical malfunction occurs, or there is an accident that ruins part of the wedding day plans, you can expect that something will not go as planned. Fortunately, in the overwhelming majority of weddings, the unplanned event is very minor. So, try not to worry too much beforehand because there is nothing that you can do to stop life’s little surprises!

Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You: You’ll Spend Most Of The Wedding Talking To Guests

While you may think that you will spend the day or night getting to know your new husband or wife, you will actually spend the majority of the wedding talking to the guests. Thanking family and friends and catching up with people who you haven’t seen in years will take up most of your time.

It’s Worth It To Pay Someone To Take Care Of The Wedding Day Details

When it comes to making your wedding go smoothly, you should never underestimate the importance of the details. While you may think that you will have time to do it all, you’ll want to pay someone to take care of the little things you might not have time to do, like running quick errands and assisting the wedding party in preparing for the wedding day.

While many of these things will likely cause you to worry even more about your wedding day, you shouldn’t forget the reason why you are having a wedding in the first place! As you prepare for your wedding, just remember that you are doing all of this so that you can spend the rest of your life with the person that you love. If you keep this in mind, everything else should fall into place.