Home Bridal Party Maid Of Honor Duties Not To Forget About

Maid Of Honor Duties Not To Forget About


For a bride, there’s nothing more emotional, stressful, and romantic than her wedding day. So picking someone to be a maid of honor and right-hand girl for everything wedding-related is of utmost importance. There are so many adorable ways to “propose” to your maid of honor and ask her to be in your wedding, check them out here! Brides need to choose someone who will have their back both before and after the wedding. To ensure all maids of honor out there know what to do, here are some essential wedding day maid of honor duties (besides planning the bachelorette party, of course!)

An Important Maid Of Honor Duty Is To Keep The Bridal Party On Time

It may be a tradition for the bride to arrive late, but this shouldn’t be because the rest of the bridal party is not on time. As the maid of honor, you need to be the queen of time management too. You must ensure both the bride and the bridal party are on track with getting their hair and makeup done and get dressed in time to walk down the aisle.

Feed The Bride

Nerves, excitement, and lack of time are usually the three of the main reasons why brides forget to eat on their wedding day. As the maid of honor, another duty that falls onto shoulders is to ensure that the bride eats. The last thing we want is for the bride to faint at the altar - we’ve all seen the YouTube videos. Whether you grab her a cup of coffee and sandwich for breakfast or have a cheese platter and mimosas on hand while getting dressed, make sure the bride (and everyone else in the bridal party) eats before the wedding. During the wedding, continuously pass her some water and trail mix to keep the wolf from the door.

Hold Her Bouquet

One of the maid of honor duties that stands the test of time is holding the bride’s bouquet! As beautiful as a bouquet can be, they can also get in the way. As the maid of honor, you’ll most probably be holding the bride’s bouquet more than she does. From taking photographs to greeting people after the ceremony, be sure you are always on hand to take the bouquet from her.

Play Host 

Let the bride and groom enjoy their day while you deal with the nitty-gritty. Along with the wedding coordinator, take on little tasks like the following:

  • Give guests directions to the wedding
  • Help vendors find where they need to be
  • Make sure guests with special dietary needs get fed
  • Keep the bridal party organized and on time
  • Show guests where to put gifts
  • Help guests find their seats
  • Get people on the dance floor

Trust us, the bride and groom will genuinely appreciate your help with all of the above.

Collect The Gifts & Card Box 

At the end of the wedding, keep an eye on the gift table and card box. Make sure everything gifted to the newlyweds is moved to a secure room or someone’s car for safekeeping. The last thing anyone wants is for gifts, cards, or cash to go missing, so you must take responsibility for ensuring everything is in safe hands.

Are you a bridesmaid that needs to know what her duties are? Check out How To Be A Good Bridesmaid for everything you need to know. It may be difficult to figure out who pays for what when it comes to bridal party expenses. But Wedivite is here to help! We also have ideas for bridal shower games that don’t suck.